How to dress for wall worthy portraits…
Below are some suggestions for parents who want some advice, at the end of the day we just want happy kids and if that means going against all of the advice then so be it. Happy kid trumps all!
The good….
For the best results dress your child in:
Block colours - Blues and greens compliment most skin tones. Dusky pink and mustard look great on the backdrop. Anything except black is great.
Florals - the busier the better, these can be as colourful as you like, they look great on the black backdrop.
Stripes - Black and white pops but all strips looks great.
Woollens/textures - Any fabric with texture is great but we have seen some spectacular knitting from nanas that adds makes these photos extra special.
All over patterns - as long as the pattern continues all over it will be great.
Animal print - we are out west after all lol.
Tartan - Tartan shirts always look smart and they come in so many great colours
Dress up costumes - We are all about a little bit of crazy, if they have a favourite tutu or cape they wear all the time then let let them rock that outfit!
Hair advice: Try and avoid tightly tied pony tail or bun as it can look harsh, try a side pony or tie the pony high with a headband/bow/scrunchie. Pigtails, plaits or hair out is great, we want to see hair!
The not so good…
If possible Avoid:
Plain Black - blends into background and can look a little bit like a floating head.
Hoodies - these make the kids look twice their size with no neck.
Fluorescent colours - can colour cast onto skin.
Tops with Pictures or Slogans - most photos will have only half of the picture or words or the top crinkles and the words can spell some weird things.
High neck/Skivvy/turtle neck - neck and chin give shape, not neck makes faces look very round.
Chokers - cuts off the child’s neck.
Headbands or hairstyles that stand up to high like unicorn horns, they will end up being cut off in the landscape orientation photos.
Don’t stress
Don’t worry, if your child really wants the black tshirt with the fluorescent print on the front and their unicorn headband then don’t stress. Happy kids = genuine smiles and thats the most important thing!